The Berber horse is one of the oldest known breeds and the ancestor of other European and South American horse breeds. It originates from North Africa and exhibits unique characteristics and peculiarities.
At Equspaddock, we love this breed, and as equestrian equipment manufacturers, we’d like to tell you more about it. Read on to learn more about these horses.
The origin of the Berber horse: a legendary breed
The Berber horse originated in North Africa, specifically in the Maghreb region. Due to the region in which they were found, they are strongly linked to Islam, as their horse breeding methods and the traditional lifestyle of the tribes allowed their qualities to be preserved intact.
The history of the Berber horse and its evolution
Antiguamente, este caballo de raza bereber se utilizaba para tare
Today, it is a cultural and heritage symbol in Morocco, which has contributed to its preservation.
Relationship of the Berber horse with the Berber Arabian horse
Berber horse breeds and their influence on other equine breeds
The Andalusian horse is said to have originated from the Berbers, as crossbreeding of the breeds occurred after the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula. There are also indications of significant influences on other breeds, such as the Thoroughbred.
Characteristics of the Berber horse: strength and versatility
Knowing the history of this animal and how it has survived over time, one can assume that its physical characteristics and character are unique. They are known for being robust and easily adaptable.
Physique and morphology of the Berber Horse
Considering the animal’s morphological and physical characteristics, it is a fountain horse with a great temperament and versatile use. We can see these general patterns:
- Height at the withers: between 1.40 and 1.60 meters.
- Main colors: The most common color is gray, although they can also be found in brown, black and chestnut.
- Head: long and thin, its lively eyes stand out.
- Croup: oblique, which encourages a low tail.
- Limbs: strong and sturdy.
Temperament and behavior in horse riding
Regarding the temperament of the Berber horse when riding, it stands out for the following aptitudes:
- Robust and docile character.
- It is easily guided, so it is good for walks.
- It is very resistant and vigorous.
- It has the ability to adapt to different adverse conditions.
Differences between the Berber Horse and the Berber Arabian Horse
To take into account the physical differences between the Berber horse and the Arabian Berber horse, the differences between the former and the Arabian horse must be taken into account, which are the following:
- The head is more convex in Berbers and more concave in Arabs.
- The eyes of the Arabs are more open.
- The Berber’s rump is more sloping than that of the Arabs, which is more horizontal.
- The Arab’s tail is high.
Thus, because the Berber Arabian is a mixture of both breeds, it exhibits characteristics that belong to both, the predominance of which varies depending on the specimen.
The Berber Horse in Morocco: Equestrian Tradition and Culture
Today, Morocco is a country with a long equestrian tradition, evident in the various international sporting and cultural events it hosts.
The importance of the Berber Horse in Moroccan horsemanship
In Morocco, horse riding is the second national sport, behind only soccer. There are two million horses in the country. This industry generates around 30,000 jobs in its 20,000 equestrian centers and private schools. Therefore, this breed is one of the most prominent.
Equestrian fairs and competitions in Morocco
Various international equestrian and Berber horse fairs are held throughout the country, where attendees have the opportunity to exchange views on the subject.
One of the most notable celebrations is Tbouriba, a ceremonial event where a group of riders dressed in traditional attire ride horses (usually Berber or Arab Berber) carrying ancient gunpowder shotguns. During the spectacle, they fire their shotguns in unison when they suddenly stop their mounts, in parallel and synchronized.
Breeding and preservation of the breed in the Maghreb
From Morocco, collaborative initiatives are being implemented with SOREC, the Royal Society for the Promotion of the Horse, thanks to which this breed has been saved from extinction.
The Berber Horse in Spain: Its Expansion and Sporting Use
Due to its proximity, the Berber horse has historically been very present in the Iberian Peninsula. Below, we explain its current status in the region.
The presence of the Berber Horse in the Iberian Peninsula
Currently, the Berber horse is highly protected, as there is an international ban on the export of female horses. There is only an informal counter-market for horses that participate in Tbouriba. This is why the presence of this breed on the peninsula is not widely known.
What we do know is that there are a wide variety of other related Berber horse breeds, such as the Andalusian horse and the Berber Arabian.
Influence of the Berber Horse on Spanish horsemanship
Places to see and ride Berber horses in Spain
As we have said, the presence of Berber horses in Spain is unknown, because the vast majority are concentrated in Morocco and Algeria.
Care and maintenance of the Berber Horse
Despite being a very robust and resilient breed, it requires proper care. Here are some tips.
Recommended feeding for the breed
In general, these horses are not fussy about what they eat, although it’s always best to feed them light foods. Since they’re accustomed to desert or arid landscapes, excess calories would cause them to overeat.
We recommend hay and straw as the basis of your diet, and only increase calories if your animal is overexerted.
Coat care and health of the Berber Horse
Recommended equipment for riding Berber horses
If you’re lucky enough to ride one of these horses, the equipment needed is no different than for other horses. The main items you’ll need for your horse are:
- Mount
- Reins
- Stirrups
- Bridle or headstall
The Berber Horse, a breed with history and future
As you’ve seen, the Berber horse is a very special breed with a significant presence in history. It is considered the father of many modern horse varieties, including the Andalusian horse, which has a strong presence in our territory.
At Equspaddock, we love learning about the different varieties of this animal and sharing all our knowledge with you. You can find more on our blog.