caballo anglo árabe

The importance of horse massage

Just as we all need daily care, your beloved pet also needs the daily affection you can give them to feel well, and to be full of energy and vitality… 

 Have you ever thought that your horse also has a number of special care needs? Yes, that’s right. 

 Our little equine friend needs a series of care, among which we can find the horse massage because, like any athlete, he also needs to relax a little after the daily workouts you may have prepared him. 

 At Equspaddock we want to help you with the care your horse needs and inform you about the importance of the proper horse massage and how to know when and where he needs it. 


How do I know if my horse needs a massage? 

 Can you tell if your horse needs a massage or is ready for a massage? The answer is yes. 

 Horses are one of the animals that have the greatest communication skills when it comes to sharing with us when and where they are feeling discomfort. We will notice that they are not their usual selves and we will see that they are more subdued than usual. Some signs that we can find are: 


  • Stiffness or muscle tension in the animal: If you start to notice that your horse is having difficulty moving, has muscle tension or is stiff, it may be time for a massage. 
  • Changes in behaviour: If you start to notice a certain irritability or aggressiveness, it means that your horse is trying to tell you that it is not feeling well and is experiencing discomfort or pain in some area of its body. 
  • Injuries or illnesses: If your horse has ever suffered an injury or has a chronic illness, it is advisable to massage him to help relieve the pain. 
  • Performance problems: We may notice that he feels some discomfort while doing activities with him, so the best thing to do is to prepare him for a massage of approximately 2 hours and once the massage is done, let him rest without carrying weight for the next 24 hours. A brisk walk may be helpful in stretching ligaments and muscles. 

Types of horse massages 

 We will find different types of horse massages that will help us to make you feel better, among which we can find: 

Sports massage 

For some time now, there has been an increase in knowledge about sports massage for horses. Focusing on specific areas of the body that are most stressed during physical activity, such as jumping or steeplechase, this type of massage is designed to prevent future injuries, improve performance or increase flexibility. Even though it is a “sports” massage, it is ideal for all types of riders, trainers and owners to be aware of its existence so that they can practice it if necessary. 

Myofascial massage 

It focuses primarily on the connective tissues of the body, including muscles and fascia. Primarily, myofascial massage is used to release tension that has built up in order to improve the animal’s mobility. 

Lymphatic massage 

Focuses on the lymphatic system, which is responsible for the elimination of toxins from the body. Lymphatic massage can be used to improve circulation in the body and promote the healing of injuries or any illnesses the horse may have. 

 Trigger point massage 

Trigger point massage, as the name suggests, focuses on trigger points, areas of muscle tension that can cause pain and limit mobility. It is used to improve tension and mobility. 

 The assessment of trigger points can be difficult to see and some pains may only be seen on the trot. Because of this, you may see the result of restriction and pain, but not be fully aware that it may have led to the cause of the pain. 

 Relaxation massage 

Relaxation massage can be applied to improve the horse’s well-being, as it is practised to reduce muscle tension and stress. In this massage, we can find certain variations such as: 

– Warm-up massage. 

– Kneading massage. 

– Friction massage. 

– Stretching massage 

 Remember that before performing any of these massages, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian or professional specialized in equine massage, as some horses do not tolerate all types, so it is important that you are well-informed and know what massage is best suited to what the horse needs. 

Encontraremos diferentes tipos de masajes para caballos que nos ayudarán a que se sienta mejor, entre los que podemos encontrar: Masaje deportivo Desde hace un tiempo, se ha visto un incremento de conocimiento sobre el masaje deportivo para caballos. Centrado en unas áreas específicas del cuerpo con mayor sometimiento a esfuerzo durante su actividad física, como saltos o carreras de obstáculos, este tipo está hecho para prevenir futuras lesiones, mejorar el rendimiento o aumentar la flexibilidad. Aun siendo un masaje “deportivo” es ideal que todo tipo de jinetes, domadores y propietarios sepan de su existencia para practicarlo si en algún caso fuera necesario. Masaje miofascial Se enfoca principalmente en los tejidos conectivos de su cuerpo, incluyendo músculos y fascia. Principalmente, el masaje miofascial es utilizado para liberar aquella tensión que ha quedado acumulada y poder mejorar la movilidad del animal. Masaje linfático Enfocado en su sistema linfático, responsable de la eliminación de las toxinas de su cuerpo. El masaje linfático puede usarse para mejorar la circulación en su cuerpo y promover la curación de lesiones o cualquier enfermedad que tenga nuestro caballo. Masaje de puntos de gatillo El masaje de puntos de gatillo, se centra como su nombre indica en los puntos gatillo, áreas de tensión muscular que llegan a causar dolor y limitar su movilidad. Utilizado para mejorar la tensión y movilidad. La evaluación de los puntos gatillo puede llegar a ser algo difícil de ver y es posible que algunas dolencias solo puedan ser vistas al trote. Debido a esto, puedes ver el resultado de restricción y dolor, pero no ser totalmente consciente de que ha podido dar lugar a la causa del dolor. Masaje de relajación Podemos aplicarle el masaje de relajación para mejorar el bienestar del caballo, ya que, se practica para reducir la tensión y estrés muscular. En este masaje, podemos encontrar ciertas variaciones como: Masaje de calentamiento. Masaje de amasamiento. Masaje de fricción. Masaje de estiramiento Recuerda que antes de realizarle alguno de estos masajes, es recomendable que consultes a un veterinario o profesional especializado en masajes equinos, ya que, algunos caballos no toleran todos los tipos, por eso es recomendable que estés bien informado y saber qué masaje se adapta mejor a lo que necesita el caballo.

Benefits of horse massage 

We could say that among its benefits not only are the fact of relaxing the animal, but we can find many other benefits when performing a massage on our horse, among which we can find: 

  1. It increases the bond that we create with him.
  2. Helping its circulation.
  3. Relieves congestion.
  4. Increase your movement as well as muscle tone.
  5. Relax for muscle spasms.
  6. It will help in the elimination of toxins.
  7. It will reduce your tension.
  8. The blood supply and the amount of nutrients to the muscles increase.
  9. Since it serves to alleviate certain types of ailments, it will lead to a decrease in the use of medication.
  10. Increase in the number of red blood cells.

In addition to all these recommendations on horse massages that you can find, we invite you to read “The best tips for caring for your horse” to continue helping you in the care of your horse. 

From Equspaddock we hope that this blog has been useful to you when it comes to know a little more about your equine friend. 

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