
Differences between Equine Therapy and Hippotherapy 

Would you like to know about two of the therapeutic approaches with horses that are revolutionising assisted therapy? Equine therapy and Hippotherapy are two disciplines that are characterised by the use of horses during the sessions and it has been demonstrated that this type of therapy significantly helps all types of people to improve their quality of life, although there are some differences. 

At Equspaddock, as experts in equestrian and horse riding, we are pleased to introduce the following article where we explain the different therapeutic approaches used in Equine Therapy and Hippotherapy. 

Equine therapy and Hippotherapy: two therapeutic approaches with horses 

Both Equine Therapy and Hippotherapy share great similarities and use horses as an active part of the therapy through their interaction with patients. However, these therapeutic approaches differ in their pursuit of different goals and practices. 

Equine therapy: therapy with horses in a broad context 

Through Equine Therapy, different types of patients interact with horses during sessions led by health professionals, physiotherapists or psychologists, thus helping the patient to improve their mental, physical or emotional health in a significant way. 

The role of the horse in Equine Therapy 

Thanks to the noble and soothing character of the horse, it comes to act as a fundamental part of the therapy to the patient, and helps him to improve his current state of health, creating an essential link for the achievement of these objectives. 

Benefits of Equine Therapy 

There are multiple proven benefits of Equine Therapy. This type of therapy helps different types of patients suffering from mental disorders, developmental disorders or muscular injuries through the mutual trust that is created between them and the horse. 

How are the Equine Therapy sessions carried out? 

Each and every session of Equine Therapy is carried out by a specialised therapist who supervises and plans each of the activities carried out with the horse. These activities vary according to the needs of each patient in question and, among the most common, are riding the horse, brushing its mane, and different games of skill, coordination and empathy to create a healing bond between patient and horse. 

Hippotherapy: equine approach in the treatment of people with disabilities 

Hippotherapy is a type of treatment that has a more specific approach in which the horse is used as a therapeutic tool. Through Hippotherapy, different specialised therapists and physiotherapists treat different types of patients who present some physical or mental difficulty to interact with the horse through its movement. 

How Hippotherapy differs from Equine Therapy 

The main difference between the two disciplines is based on the movement of the horse, which is used as a reference point in Hippotherapy, where the therapist assesses and helps the patient to improve aspects such as balance, mobility and coordination on top of the horse. 

Who benefits from Hippotherapy? 

Hippotherapy therapies have been shown to cover a wide range of physical and mental injuries and disabilities. Among the most common are cerebral palsy, bone marrow injuries, multiple sclerosis and other types of muscle injuries. The sessions are focused and adapted to the needs of the patient through specific games and exercises that the therapist plans in advance and all of them are carried out on horseback. 

Evaluation process in hippotherapy 

As mentioned above, the therapist specialised in Hippotherapy studies and analyses the patient’s specific case in order to adapt the therapy and activities to the needs and therapeutic objectives to be achieved. 

The number of sessions will also be planned in advance and will be adapted as the patient shows a noticeable improvement and new activities and practical exercises can be implemented to improve the development and bond with the horse. 

At Equspaddock, we collaborate with and support the work of thousands of therapists who implement this type of therapy in their sessions to help more and more patients with different types of physical and mental problems and illnesses. 

In addition, we have equestrian and horse riding products of the highest quality so that each of the therapies are carried out with total safety and guarantees. Do not hesitate to contact us so that we can guide you in everything you need, we are waiting for you in our online shop! 

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